Friday, March 18, 2011

Trees of Lahore (Pakistan)

Here is the list of trees suitable for southern climate.
- Botanical Name: Acacia nilotica Botanical Name: Acacia catechu
Family: Mimosaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Kikar / Babul Local Name: Khair / Katha
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-12m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Yellow Flower Color: Light blue
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Acacia modesta Botanical Name: Acacia retinodes
Family: Fabaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Phulai Local Name: Rukh-e-Zard
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: Medium size Height: Medium size
Flower Color: Creamish white Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: Almost all the year
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Acer negundo Botanical Name: Acer oblongum
Family: Aceraceae Family: Aceraceae
Local Name: Acer / Maple Local Name: Kiromeli
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 7.5-10m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Purple color Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: Feb. - April Flowering Time: Feb. - March
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Achras sapota Botanical Name: Aegle marmelos
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Rutaceae
Local Name: Chhiku Local Name: Bel
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-13m Height: 10m
Flower C Flower Color: Cream
Flowering Time: February Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ailanthus excelsa / glandulosa Botanical Name: Ailanthus Altissima
Family: Simaroubaceae Family: Simaroubaceae
Local Name: Ailanthus / Tree of heaven Local Name: Ailanthus / Tree of heaven
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 17-20m Height: 17-20m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Yellowish green
Flowering Time: April – May Flowering Time: April – May
Propagation: By seed & Cutting Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Albizia procera Botanical Name: Albizia lebbek
Family: Mimosaceae Family: Mimosaceae
Local Name: White Siris Local Name: Black Siris
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 18-24m
Flower Color: Greenish yellow Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: June – August Flowering Time: April – May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Alstonia scholaris Botanical Name: Anogeissus acuminata
Family: Apocynaceae Family: Combreataceae
Local Name: Shaitan / Saitan / Shatin Local Name: Dhokra
Type: Evergreen Type: Semi Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Greenish white Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: October - December Flowering Time: August - September
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Araucaria heterophylla Botanical Name: Artocarpus integrifolia
Family: Aruacariaceae Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Norfolk Island Pine Local Name: Kathal
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 20-30m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flower Color:
Flowering Time: Foliage beauty Flowering Time: March - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & grafting.
- Botanical Name: Artocarpus lakoocha Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica
Family: Morceae Family: Meliaceae
Local Name: Dhwe / Dheu Local Name: Neem
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Orange-Yellow Flower Color: Whitish green
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bambusa Spp. Botanical Name: Barringtonia acutangula
Family: Poaceae Family: Lecithidaceae
Local Name: Bamboo Local Name: Sethphala / Samunder phal
Type: Evergreen, fast growing tree Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-24m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Flower Color: Red of Pink
Flowering Time: Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By sucker & division of rhizomes. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bassia latifolia Botanical Name: Bauhinia alba
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Mahwa Local Name: Sufaid Kachnar
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 8-12m
Flower Color: Creamish Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: May - June Flowering Time: March - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bauhinia purpurea Botanical Name: Bauhinia variegata
Family: Fabaceae Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Local Name: Gulabi Kachnar Local Name: Kachnar / Orchid tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-12m Height: 8-12m
Flower Color: Purple Flower Color: Pink
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: September - December
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bischofia javanica Botanical Name: Butea frondosa
Family: Euphorbiaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Anderkani Local Name: Dhak / Flame of the forest
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 6-12m
Flower Color: Greenish Yellow Flower Color: Orange Red
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: February - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bombax malabaricum Botanical Name: Callistemon citrinus
Family: Bombacaseae Family: Myrtaceae
Local Name: Sumbul / Simal / Silk cotton tree Local Name: Bottle Brush
Type: Deciduous Type: Semi deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 2-6m
Flower Color: Greenish Yellow Flower Color: Red
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: March - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & Layer cutting.
- Botanical Name: Broussonetia papyrifera Botanical Name: Cassia fistula
Family: Moraceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Kaghzi Tut Local Name: Amaltas
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 18-25m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: March Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed & sucker. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Brachychiton diversifolia Botanical Name: Cassia nadusa
- Botanical Name: Brachychiton diversifolia Family: Fabaceae
Family: Sterculiaceae Local Name: Cassia tree
Local Name: Brachychiton Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 12-15m
Height: 14-18m Flower Color: Pink
Flower Color: Creamy Flowering Time: May - June
Flowering Time: April - May Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bursera serrata / simaruba Botanical Name: Cedrela toona
- Botanical Name: Bursera serrata / simaruba Family: Meliaceae
Family: Burseraceae Local Name: Toon / Tun
Local Name: Najor Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 12-15m
Height: 12-15m Flower Color: Yellowish white
Flower Color: Greenish white Flowering Time: March - May
Flowering Time: April Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Carica papaya Botanical Name: Celtis eriocarpa
Family: Caricaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Papita / Papaya Local Name: Kharrak
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-10m Height: 7-9m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Greenish
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: October - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cassia javanica Botanical Name: Chorisia speciosa
Family: Fabaceae Family: Bombaceae
Local Name: Cassia tree / Java Shower Local Name: Budha tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 12-15m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellow in clusters Flower Color: Pinkish
Flowering Time: May - June Flowering Time: October - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Castanospermum australe Botanical Name: Chorisia speciosa
Family: Fabaceae Family: Bombaceae
Local Name: Local Name: Budha tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 20m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellowish orange Flower Color: Pinkish
Flowering Time: March - May Flowering Time: October - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Celtis australis Botanical Name: Citharexylum sipnosum
Family: Urticaceae Family: Verbenaceae
Local Name: Kharak / European nettle tree Local Name: Fiddlewood
Type: Deciduous Type: Semi deciduous
Height: 12-15m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Green Flower Color: White fragrant
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: July - November
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Ceratonia religiosa Botanical Name: Citharexylum sipnosum
Family: Fabaceae Family: Verbenaceae
Local Name: Carob Local Name: Fiddlewood
Type: Evergreen Type: Semi deciduous
Height: 7-9m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Greenish Flower Color: White fragrant
Flowering Time: October - November Flowering Time: July - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Chorisia insignis
Family: Bombacaceae Botanical Name: Crataeva religiosa
Local Name: Budha tree / Floss silk tree Family: Capparidaceae
Type: Deciduous Local Name: Burna
Height: 12-15m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Cream Height: 12-15m
Flowering Time: October - November Flower Color: White & pale yellow
Propagation: By seed. Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Chukrasia tabularis Botanical Name: Dalbergia sissoo
Family: Meliaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Chukrassia Local Name: Shisham
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 25-30m Height: 20-25m
Flower Color: Yellowish white Flower Color: Yellowish white
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cinnammomum camphora
Family: Lauraceae Botanical Name: Dalbergia sissoo
Local Name: Camphor / Kafoor Family: Fabaceae
Type: Evergreen Local Name: Shisham
Height: 10-15m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Yellow Height: 20-25m
Flowering Time: April - June Flower Color: Yellowish white
Propagation: By seed & root cutting. Flowering Time: April
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cordia obliqua Botanical Name: Dalbergia latifolia
Family: Boraginaceae Family: Papilionaceae
Local Name: Lasura Local Name: Aalmi Tali
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-12m Height: 20-25m
Flower Color: Orange, red or scarlet Flower Color: Greenish
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: March - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & root suchers.
- Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens
Family: Cupressaceae Botanical Name: Delonix regia
Local Name: Saroo / Cypress Family: Fabaceae
Type: Evergreen Local Name: Gul Mohr
Height: 18m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Foliage & shape beauty Height: 12-15m
Flowering Time: Foliage beauty Flower Color: Bright Orange
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cupressus funebris Botanical Name: Diospyros peregrina
- Botanical Name: Cupressus funebris Family: Ebenaceae
Family: Cuprressaceae Local Name: Gab
Local Name: Cypress Type: Evergreen
Type: An elegant tree with graceful Height: 12-15m
Height: drooping branches Flower Color: Creamy yellow
Flower Color: Foliage & shape beauty Flowering Time: April - May
Flowering Time: Foliage Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Dalbergia lanceolaria Botanical Name: Erythrina suberosa
- Botanical Name: Dalbergia lanceolaria Family: Fabaceae
Family: Fabaceae Local Name: Gul-e-Nishtar
Local Name: Trkoli Type: Deciduous
Type: Deciduous Height: 10-18m
Height: 15-20m Flower Color: Red
Flower Color: Greenish Flowering Time: March - April
Flowering Time: May Propagation: By seed & cutting.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Darris robusta Botanical Name: Eugenia jambolana
- Botanical Name: Darris robusta Family: Myrtaceae
Family: Fabaceae Local Name: Jaman / Jamu
Local Name: Darris Type: Semi deciduous
Type: Deciduous Height: 15-20m
Height: 12-15m Flower Color: Dirty white
Flower Color: Creamy Flowering Time: March - May
Flowering Time: March - April Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Dillenia indica Botanical Name: Dillenia indica
Family: Dilleniaceae Family: Dilleniaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-Must Local Name: Gul-e-Must
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-14m Height: 10-14m
Flower Color: White fragrant Flower Color: White fragrant
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: June - July
Propagation: By cutting Propagation: By cutting
- Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Family: Rosaceae Family: Rosaceae
Local Name: Lokat Local Name: Lokat
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 7-10m Height: 7-10m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: Feburary - March Flowering Time: Feburary - March
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Eucalyptus citriodora Botanical Name: Eucalyptus citriodora
Family: Myrtaceae Family: Myrtaceae
Local Name: Sufeda Local Name: Sufeda
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 25-30m Height: 25-30m
Flower Color: Creamish Flower Color: Creamish
Flowering Time: February - March Flowering Time: February - March
Propagation: By seed & suckers. Propagation: By seed & suckers.
- Botanical Name: Ficus bangalensis Botanical Name: Ficus bangalensis
Family: Moraceae Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Bohr Local Name: Bohr
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 20-30m Height: 20-30m
Flower Color: Red Flower Color: Red
Flowering Time: Figs in April & Oct. – Nov Flowering Time: Figs in April & Oct. – Nov
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina
Family: Moraceae Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Kali Ficus / Kubra Local Name: Kali Ficus / Kubra
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flowering Time: Flowering Time:
Propagation: By cutting & aerial layering Propagation: By cutting & aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Ficus elastica Botanical Name: Benjamina Comosa
- Botanical Name: Ficus elastica Family: Moraceae
Family: Moraceae Local Name: Gulhar
Local Name: Rubber plant Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 15-20m
Height: 30m Flower Color: Stem color changes
Flower Color: Foliage beauty, simple & Flowering Time: April - May
Flowering Time: Variegated leaves Propagation: By seed & cutting.
Propagation: By cutting & aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Ficus virens Botanical Name: Ficus bengalensis var
- Botanical Name: Ficus virens Family: Moraceae
Family: Moraceae Local Name: Krishni
Local Name: Pilkhan Type: Evergreen
Type: Deciduous Height: 10-12m
Height: 10-15m Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flowering Time:
Flowering Time: Propagation: Arial layering & cutting.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata Botanical Name: Ficus Macrophylla
- Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata Family: Moraceae
Family: Moraceae Local Name: Australian Banyan
Local Name: Pandurata Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 10-15m
Height: 15-20m Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flowering Time:
Flowering Time: Propagation: By seed & cutting.
Propagation: Aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Grevillea robusta Botanical Name: Gleditsia triacanthos
- Botanical Name: Grevillea robusta Family: Fabaceae
Family: Proteaceae Local Name: Dozekh / Honey Locust
Local Name: Silver Oak / Silk Oak / Shah balut Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-18m Height: 18-20m
Flower Color: Golden
Flowering Time: April - May Flower Color: Greenish yellow
Propagation: By seed.
Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Heterophargama adenophyllum Botanical Name: Heterophargama adenophyllum
Family: Bignoniaceae Family: Bignoniaceae
Local Name: Nag Phali Local Name: Nag Phali
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-15m Height: 10-15m
Flower Color: Yellowish brown Flower Color: Yellowish brown
Flowering Time: July - August Flowering Time: July - August
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia Botanical Name: Juglans regia
Family: Fabaceae Family: Juglandaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-Neelam Local Name: Akhrot
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 10m Height: 10-15m
Flower Color: Purple flower Flower Color: Creamy
Flowering Time: March-April & Sep-Oct Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & budding
- Botanical Name: Kigelia pinnata Botanical Name: Leucaena glauca
Family: Bignoniaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-fanoos / Sausage tree Local Name: Ipple Ipple / Jungli Imli
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 8-12m
Flower Color: Maroon Flower Color: Creamy yellow
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Maclura aurantiaca Botanical Name: Mallotus philippinensis
Family: Moraceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Maclura Local Name: Kamila
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 5-8m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Orange Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: May - June Flowering Time: September - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Mangifera indica Botanical Name: Magnolia grandiflora
Family: Anacardiaceae Family: Magnoliaceae
Local Name: Aam Local Name: Magnolia
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 25-30m
Flower Color: Creamy white Flower Color: Creamy white
Flowering Time: Feb. - March Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed, Grafting, budding Propagation: Aerial layering.
- Botanical Name: Manilkara hexandra Botanical Name: Melia azedarach
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Meliaceae
Local Name: Khirni Local Name: Bakain
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-12m Height: 9-12m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Purple
Flowering Time: July - December Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Melaleuca leucadendron Botanical Name: Michelia champaca
Family: Mytraceae Family: Magnoliaceae
Local Name: Paper Bark Local Name: Champa tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-18m Height: 20m
Flower Color: Cream & White Flower Color: Creamish yellow
Flowering Time: June - August Flowering Time: February
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Millettia ovalifolia Botanical Name: Millingtonia hortensi
Family: Fabaceae Family: Bignoniaceae
Local Name: Villayti Shishum Local Name: Villayti Neem
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-12m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Purple Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: June - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Mimusops elengi Botanical Name: Moringa oleifera
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Moringaceae
Local Name: Molsari Local Name: Sohanjana / Horse radish tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 12-18m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Fragrant white Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: July - December Flowering Time: January - February
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Morus alba Botanical Name: Murraya koenigii
Family: Moraceae Family: Rutaceae
Local Name: Shehtut Local Name: Curry leaf
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 5-8m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: February - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Nephelium litchi Botanical Name: Oncoba sipnosa
Family: Sapindaceae Family: Flacurtiaceae
Local Name: Litchi / Lychee tree Local Name: Oncoba
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 6-8m Height: 15-17m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: Aerial leyring Propagation: Aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Oroxylum indicum Botanical Name: Parkinsonia aculeata
Family: Bignoniaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Talwar Phali Local Name: Parkinsonia
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-10m Height: 7-10m
Flower Color: Maroon Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: March-April & Sep-Oct
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Persea americana Botanical Name: Phyllanthus emblica
Family: Laucerceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Avocado / Alligator Local Name: Amla
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 16-20m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: February - March Flowering Time: March - May
Propagation: By seed & grafting. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pinus roxburghii Botanical Name: Pistacia chinensis
Family: Pinaceae Family: Anarcardiaceae
Local Name: Chair / Pine Local Name: Araishi Pista
Type: Evergreen Type: Semi Deciduous
Height: 25-30m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Gymnosperm Flower Color: Foliage beauty / Cream
Flowering Time: Not flowers Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pistacia integerima Botanical Name: Platanus orientalis
Family: Anacardiaceae Family: Platanaceae
Local Name: Kaker / Mastic tree / Kanger Local Name: Chinar / Plaintain
Type: Semi Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Reddish Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flowering Time: March - May Flowering Time:
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By cutting.
- Botanical Name: Plumeria obtusa Botanical Name: Plumeria rubra
Family: Apocynaceae Family: Apocynaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-Cheen / Cade Local Name: Gul-e-cheen
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 4-6m Height: 4-6m
Flower Color: Whitish Flower Color: Pink
Flowering Time: Around the Year Flowering Time: Yellowish green
Propagation: By cutting. Propagation: By cutting.
- Botanical Name: Polyalthia longifolia Botanical Name: Plumeria acutifolia
Family: Annonaceae Family: Apocynaceae
Local Name: Ulta Ashok Local Name: Gul-e-Cheen
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 4-6m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Creamy yellow
Flowering Time: February-April Flowering Time: Around the year
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By cutting.
- Botanical Name: Populas alba / nigra Botanical Name: Prosopis juliflora
Family: Salicaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Popular Local Name: Chota jand
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 15-21m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Flower Color: Cream white
Flowering Time: Flowering Time: April-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Prunus persica Botanical Name: Prosopis spicigera
Family: Rosaceae Family: Mimosaceae
Local Name: Aaroo / Peach Local Name: Jand
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 7.5-10m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Pink Flower Color: Cream
Flowering Time: February-March Flowering Time: May-June
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pterospermum acerifolium Botanical Name: Putranjiva roxburghii
Family: Sterculiaceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Kanak champa Local Name: Putajan
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 15-20m Height: 12-16m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Greenish yellowish green
Flowering Time: March-April Flowering Time: March-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pyrus communis Botanical Name: Ravenala madagascariensis
Family: Rosaceae Family: Musaceae
Local Name: Nashpati / Pear Local Name: Banana palm / Travellers palm
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 7.5-12m Height: 8-10m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Bract beauty
Flowering Time: February-April Flowering Time: Bracts open in November
Propagation: By grafting & budding. Propagation: By suckers.
- Botanical Name: Salix babylonica Botanical Name: Salix tetrasperma
Family: Salicaceae Family: Salicaceae
Local Name: Majnun / Baid-e-majnun Local Name: Laila
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 6-8m Height: 8-10m
Flower Color: Pale White Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: February-March Flowering Time: March-April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Salmalia malabarica Botanical Name: Sapindus mukorossi
Family: Bombacaceae Family: Sapindaceae
Local Name: Simbal / Simal Local Name: Reetha / Soap nut tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 40m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Red Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: February-March Flowering Time: April-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sapindus trifoliatus Botanical Name: Sapium sebiferum
Family: Sapindaceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Reetha / Soap nut tree Local Name: Makhan Charbi
Type: Decisuous Type: Deciduous
Height: 5-7m Height: 8-10m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Creamish
Flowering Time: May-June Flowering Time: April-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sarace indica / asoca Botanical Name: Schleichera oleosa
Family: Leguminosae Family: Sapindaceae
Local Name: Ashoka Local Name: Kussum / Samoma / Lac tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 8-10m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Orange red Flower Color: Yellowish green
Flowering Time: April-May Flowering Time: March-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sophora Secundiflora Botanical Name: Sterculia rupestris
Family: Fabaceae Family: Sterculiaceae
Local Name: Shamma Local Name: Bottle neck tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 5-8m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Violet blue Flower Color: Foliage beauty white
Flowering Time: March-May Flowering Time: March-April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sterculia colorata Botanical Name: Swietenia mahogoni
Family: Sterculiaceae Family: Meliaceae
Local Name: Jungle Badam Local Name: Mahogoni tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 22m
Flower Color: Red, Yellow or Dull purple Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: March-May Flowering Time: April-July
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Tarmindus indica Botanical Name: Taxodium mucronatium
Family: Fabaceae Family: Taxodiaceae
Local Name: Imli / Tamarind Local Name: Taxodium
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 20-25m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellow with red streaks Flower Color: Gymnosperm
Flowering Time: February-April Flowering Time: May-June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Tectona grandis Botanical Name: Terminalia arjuna
Family: Verbenaceae Family: Combretaceae
Local Name: Sagwan / Teak Local Name: Arjun
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-40m Height: 20-30m
Flower Color: Creamish white Flower Color: Pale yellowish white
Flowering Time: June-September Flowering Time: March-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Terminalia bellirica Botanical Name: Terminalia catappa
Family: Combretaceae Family: Combretaceae
Local Name: Urhar / Bhera / Bidda nut Local Name: Jungli Badam
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 30-40m Height: 18-21m
Flower Color: Greenish yellow Flower Color: No petals
Flowering Time: April-June Flowering Time: Crimson leaves / April-june
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Trewia nudiflora Botanical Name: Ziziphus mauritiana
Family: Euphorbiaceae Family: Rhamnaceae
Local Name: Tumri / Gamhar Local Name: Ber / Gol beri
Type: Deciduous Type: Almost Evergreen
Height: 15-20m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Creamy white Flower Color: Greenish yellow
Flowering Time: March Flowering Time: April-July
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ziziphus jujube Botanical Name: Casuarina equisetifolia
Family: Rhamnaceae Family: Pinaceae
Local Name: Ber / Jujube / Simli Local Name: Desert saroo / Farwan
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-10m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Greenish Flower Color:
Flowering Time: June-July Flowering Time: Foliage beauty
Propagation: By seed air layering and cutting. Propagation: By seed.
late arrivals here:
- Botanical Name: Averrhoa carambola Botanical Name: Cordia gharaf
- Botanical Name: Averrhoa carambola Family: Boraginaceae
Family: Averrhoaceae Local Name: Gondi
Local Name: Kamrukh / Kamranga Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 3-6m
Height: 7-10m Flower Color: Yellow
Flower Color: Pink Flowering Time: March-April
Flowering Time: Jan.-Feb. & Aug.-Sep. Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Chorisia insigni Botanical Name: Spondias pinnata
Local Name: Buddha Family: Anarcardiaceae
Type: Deciduous Local Name: Ambarra / Ambare / Bahambi
Height: 12-15m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Red Height: 8-10m
Flowering Time: October-November Flower Color: Greenish white
Propagation: By seed. Flowering Time: March-May

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Kachnar,Candytuft,gladiolus flowers

Here are some of the flowers blooming in my garden and some of the shots are taken from lawrence gardens lahore.
This one is a small tree, having white flowers in the spring. Not sure about the ID yet. Photo taken in lawrence gardens lahore.

Candytuft with botanic name Iberis blooming in lawrence garden. Planted in masses, stunning flowers.

Bauhinia purpurea with local name kachnar. A street tree in lahore, pakistan. Blooms not only in spring but also in fall sometimes. There are many other bauhinia species growing in lahore including some vines. Perhaps a post specific to Bauhinia is due on me.

The enchanting fragrance and exquisite blooms of freesia. Although these are modern freesia hybird, fragrance is still intense. Watch for my next post of growing freesia in hot climates. Blooming. happily on my terrace in clay pots. They naturalize here in lahore

Chrysanthemum tricolor with synonym Ismelia carinata and common name painted daisy. Local name desi gendi. Comes in many shades of tricolor.

Another beautiful tree from lawrence garden. Will update the ID soon.

This is some variant of jasmine. Not fragrant though. The masses of flowers put a brilliant show in many months of the year.

Gladiolus, grown from bulbs in fall. It has potential to be a perennial in warm climate as ours. Comes in many shades. Top bouquet flower.

This is some jasmine shrub blooming happily in model town park lahore. Not fragrant though.

For other GBBD posts, visit May dream gardens by Carol

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hummingbird moth, stock and california poppy

This one was shot at lawrence garden lahore. I am not sure what it is but it seems to be a hummingbird moth. Though we do not have hummingbirds here but sunbirds. Lovely sight though.
update: This is some species of clearwing hummingbird moth.

 Stock is the most fragrant annual of spring. And bees love them too. This one shot at my terrace.
This bee seems to be too involved in california poppy. Again captured on my terrace.

For other flowers posts, visit Today's Flowers
For Macro monday by Lisa, visit Lisa's Chaos
For mosaic monday, visit Mosaic monday

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