Seeds have list

Updated: July 04, 2012 The list is still in compilation phase, i will keep updating it.

Adenophora bulleyana - ladybells

Albuca shawii - South african fragrant bulb seeds

Asarina barclayana (maurandya barclayana) - mexican creeper

Asclepias curassavica - Mexican butterfly weed

Amaranthus cruentus

Bauhinia yunnanensis - kachnar climber

Buddleja Asiatica - Winter lilac- Seeds include chaff

Buddleja davidii 'black knight'

Buddleja davidii 'pink delight'

Buddleja - yellow flowers (not globosa)

Buddleja salviifolia - only south african buddleja - special trades only

Canarina canariensis - Canary bell flower

Cactus mixed seeds - ferry morse

Clitoria Ternatea - butterfly pea

Catalpa bignonioides

Celosia purple flamingo feather

Chimonanthus praecox - wintersweet shrub. Very fragrant flowers.

Convolvulus tricolor - Dwarf Morning Glory 'royal ensign' - From Chiltern Seeds UK 

Convolvulus tricolor - Dwarf Morning Glory 'pink ensign'  out now

Convolvulus tricolor - morning glory bush ensign blend

Coreopsis tinctoria 'Seashells'

Cosmos sulphureus - bright lights blend

Cryptostegia grandiflora - rubber vine

Dahlia 'Variabilis'

Datura metel - Dwarf purple

Datura Inoxia - white

Datura Wrightii

Delonix regia

Echinops ritro - Globe thistle

Echinacea pallida - Pale Coneflower

Echinacea Purpurea - purple cone flower

Erythrina crista-galli

Exacum affine 'Midget'  - Persian Violet

Flamboyant tree - Flame tree. Royal Poinciana. Delonix regia

Hardenbergia violacea - False Sarsaparilla - Australian climber

Hibiscus syriacus- Rose of Sharon 'Blue Bird'

helianthus annuus- Annual sunflower - mixed colors

Helianthus annuus - florenza red

Heliotropium arborescens 'Marine'

Helianthus annuus - moulin rouge

Helenium sahin's early flowerer out for now

Hibiscus moscheutos - pink swirl

Hollyhock black

Impatiens dwarf mixture  - Ferry Morse

Ipomoea alba - Moonflower

Ipomoea quamoclit - cypress vine funny valentine blend

Ipomoea quamoclit - cypress vine red color

Ipomoea lobata mina lobata exotic love vine

ipomoea nil 'gloria'

ipomoea nil 'star of yelta'

ipomoea  mix

ipomoea turbinata

ipomoea nil 'shibouri'

ipomoea purpurea 'grandpa otts'

ipomoea purpurea 'split personality' double'

ipomoea - japenese morning glory - 'Mt. Fuji Mix'

ipomoea ivy leaf pink candy

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Iris 'yellow louisiana'

Lablab purpureus  - hyacinth bean - few seeds of ruby moon as well


Lilium regale - Regal Lily - white fragrant flowers

Lilium philippinense

Mirabilis jalapa - four o' clock broken colors - fragrant

Money plant seeds - American meadows
Nelumbo nucifera - Sacred Water Lily - indian lotus pink color out for now

Nigella damascena - love in a mist

Nymphaea water lily - tropical night blooming pink Special trades only

Nymphaea water lily - tropical night blooming white Special trades only

Nymphaea water lily -tropical  mixture from chiltern seeds UK Special trades only

Oenothera pallida - evening primrose fragrant

 Oenothera pallida 'innocence'

Oenothera speciosa - Mexican Evening Primrose 'Pink petticoats' - out for now

Papaver rhoeas - Annual poppy 'Angels Choir mixed' - out for now

Passiflora Incarnata - passion flower

Paulownia tomentosa - empress tree, fastest growing tree of world

Paulownia fortunei

Paulownia catalpifolia

Rudbeckia gloriosa mix

papaya seeds

Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish eyes' out for now

Scabiosa caucasica- house's hybird mixed

Scabiosa columbaria

Solanum Laciniatum out for now

Solanum Sisymbiifolium out for now

Stephanotis floribunda. Madagascar jasmine.

Squash 'sweet meat'

Sweet melon - by Goreja seeds (heat tolerant)

Tithonia rotundifolia - Mexican sunflower

Watermeon 'Black Marshall' (commercial seeds)

Wisteria floribunda - Japanese Wisteria

Zephyranthes citrina - yellow rain lily

Veggie Seed:
Squash  - Table Queen Acorn (Winter)
Zucchini Black Beauty
Cauliflower  - Early Snowball
CUCUMBER - Wisconsin SMR 58 (Pickler)
SWISS CHARD - Fordhook Giant
TURNIP - Purple Top White Globe
TURNIP - Seven Top (Greens)
ONION - Bermuda Yellow
LETTUCE - Buttercrunch (Butterhead)
LETTUCE - Black Seeded Simpson (Loose-Leaf)
OKRA - Clemson Spineless

Tomato - Cherry tomato by Benary Germany

Tomato - Porter Dark Red - Indeterminate type - OP- From mountains of new mexico USA

Tomato - Pink penderosa

Tomato 'pineapple tomato'

Tomato 'Rio grande'

Tomato 'Hillbilly'

Tomato 'early girl'

Tomato 'Sunset orange'

Tomato 'Brandywine'

Tomato 'Large red cherry tomato'

Tomato 'kentucky beef steak'

Tomato 'sunray'

Tomato 'roma'

Tomato 'new sun'

Tomato 'yellow cherry'

Tomato 'black cherry'

Tomato 'spudakee'

Tomato 'better boy'

Tomato 'golden jubilee'

Tomato 'sweetie cherry'

Tomato 'baxter's bush cherry tomato'

Tomato 'belize pink heart'

Rutgers tomato 2010

Dioscorea batatas - Chinese Wild Yam - Tubercles

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