Friday, March 18, 2011

Trees of Lahore (Pakistan)

Here is the list of trees suitable for southern climate.
- Botanical Name: Acacia nilotica Botanical Name: Acacia catechu
Family: Mimosaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Kikar / Babul Local Name: Khair / Katha
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-12m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Yellow Flower Color: Light blue
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Acacia modesta Botanical Name: Acacia retinodes
Family: Fabaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Phulai Local Name: Rukh-e-Zard
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: Medium size Height: Medium size
Flower Color: Creamish white Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: Almost all the year
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Acer negundo Botanical Name: Acer oblongum
Family: Aceraceae Family: Aceraceae
Local Name: Acer / Maple Local Name: Kiromeli
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 7.5-10m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Purple color Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: Feb. - April Flowering Time: Feb. - March
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Achras sapota Botanical Name: Aegle marmelos
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Rutaceae
Local Name: Chhiku Local Name: Bel
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-13m Height: 10m
Flower C Flower Color: Cream
Flowering Time: February Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ailanthus excelsa / glandulosa Botanical Name: Ailanthus Altissima
Family: Simaroubaceae Family: Simaroubaceae
Local Name: Ailanthus / Tree of heaven Local Name: Ailanthus / Tree of heaven
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 17-20m Height: 17-20m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Yellowish green
Flowering Time: April – May Flowering Time: April – May
Propagation: By seed & Cutting Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Albizia procera Botanical Name: Albizia lebbek
Family: Mimosaceae Family: Mimosaceae
Local Name: White Siris Local Name: Black Siris
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 18-24m
Flower Color: Greenish yellow Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: June – August Flowering Time: April – May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Alstonia scholaris Botanical Name: Anogeissus acuminata
Family: Apocynaceae Family: Combreataceae
Local Name: Shaitan / Saitan / Shatin Local Name: Dhokra
Type: Evergreen Type: Semi Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Greenish white Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: October - December Flowering Time: August - September
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Araucaria heterophylla Botanical Name: Artocarpus integrifolia
Family: Aruacariaceae Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Norfolk Island Pine Local Name: Kathal
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 20-30m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flower Color:
Flowering Time: Foliage beauty Flowering Time: March - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & grafting.
- Botanical Name: Artocarpus lakoocha Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica
Family: Morceae Family: Meliaceae
Local Name: Dhwe / Dheu Local Name: Neem
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Orange-Yellow Flower Color: Whitish green
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bambusa Spp. Botanical Name: Barringtonia acutangula
Family: Poaceae Family: Lecithidaceae
Local Name: Bamboo Local Name: Sethphala / Samunder phal
Type: Evergreen, fast growing tree Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-24m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Flower Color: Red of Pink
Flowering Time: Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By sucker & division of rhizomes. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bassia latifolia Botanical Name: Bauhinia alba
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Mahwa Local Name: Sufaid Kachnar
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 8-12m
Flower Color: Creamish Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: May - June Flowering Time: March - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bauhinia purpurea Botanical Name: Bauhinia variegata
Family: Fabaceae Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Local Name: Gulabi Kachnar Local Name: Kachnar / Orchid tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-12m Height: 8-12m
Flower Color: Purple Flower Color: Pink
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: September - December
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bischofia javanica Botanical Name: Butea frondosa
Family: Euphorbiaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Anderkani Local Name: Dhak / Flame of the forest
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 6-12m
Flower Color: Greenish Yellow Flower Color: Orange Red
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: February - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bombax malabaricum Botanical Name: Callistemon citrinus
Family: Bombacaseae Family: Myrtaceae
Local Name: Sumbul / Simal / Silk cotton tree Local Name: Bottle Brush
Type: Deciduous Type: Semi deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 2-6m
Flower Color: Greenish Yellow Flower Color: Red
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: March - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & Layer cutting.
- Botanical Name: Broussonetia papyrifera Botanical Name: Cassia fistula
Family: Moraceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Kaghzi Tut Local Name: Amaltas
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 18-25m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: March Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed & sucker. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Brachychiton diversifolia Botanical Name: Cassia nadusa
- Botanical Name: Brachychiton diversifolia Family: Fabaceae
Family: Sterculiaceae Local Name: Cassia tree
Local Name: Brachychiton Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 12-15m
Height: 14-18m Flower Color: Pink
Flower Color: Creamy Flowering Time: May - June
Flowering Time: April - May Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Bursera serrata / simaruba Botanical Name: Cedrela toona
- Botanical Name: Bursera serrata / simaruba Family: Meliaceae
Family: Burseraceae Local Name: Toon / Tun
Local Name: Najor Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 12-15m
Height: 12-15m Flower Color: Yellowish white
Flower Color: Greenish white Flowering Time: March - May
Flowering Time: April Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Carica papaya Botanical Name: Celtis eriocarpa
Family: Caricaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Papita / Papaya Local Name: Kharrak
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-10m Height: 7-9m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Greenish
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: October - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cassia javanica Botanical Name: Chorisia speciosa
Family: Fabaceae Family: Bombaceae
Local Name: Cassia tree / Java Shower Local Name: Budha tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 12-15m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellow in clusters Flower Color: Pinkish
Flowering Time: May - June Flowering Time: October - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Castanospermum australe Botanical Name: Chorisia speciosa
Family: Fabaceae Family: Bombaceae
Local Name: Local Name: Budha tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 20m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellowish orange Flower Color: Pinkish
Flowering Time: March - May Flowering Time: October - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Celtis australis Botanical Name: Citharexylum sipnosum
Family: Urticaceae Family: Verbenaceae
Local Name: Kharak / European nettle tree Local Name: Fiddlewood
Type: Deciduous Type: Semi deciduous
Height: 12-15m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Green Flower Color: White fragrant
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: July - November
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Ceratonia religiosa Botanical Name: Citharexylum sipnosum
Family: Fabaceae Family: Verbenaceae
Local Name: Carob Local Name: Fiddlewood
Type: Evergreen Type: Semi deciduous
Height: 7-9m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Greenish Flower Color: White fragrant
Flowering Time: October - November Flowering Time: July - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Chorisia insignis
Family: Bombacaceae Botanical Name: Crataeva religiosa
Local Name: Budha tree / Floss silk tree Family: Capparidaceae
Type: Deciduous Local Name: Burna
Height: 12-15m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Cream Height: 12-15m
Flowering Time: October - November Flower Color: White & pale yellow
Propagation: By seed. Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Chukrasia tabularis Botanical Name: Dalbergia sissoo
Family: Meliaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Chukrassia Local Name: Shisham
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 25-30m Height: 20-25m
Flower Color: Yellowish white Flower Color: Yellowish white
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cinnammomum camphora
Family: Lauraceae Botanical Name: Dalbergia sissoo
Local Name: Camphor / Kafoor Family: Fabaceae
Type: Evergreen Local Name: Shisham
Height: 10-15m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Yellow Height: 20-25m
Flowering Time: April - June Flower Color: Yellowish white
Propagation: By seed & root cutting. Flowering Time: April
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cordia obliqua Botanical Name: Dalbergia latifolia
Family: Boraginaceae Family: Papilionaceae
Local Name: Lasura Local Name: Aalmi Tali
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-12m Height: 20-25m
Flower Color: Orange, red or scarlet Flower Color: Greenish
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: March - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & root suchers.
- Botanical Name: Cupressus sempervirens
Family: Cupressaceae Botanical Name: Delonix regia
Local Name: Saroo / Cypress Family: Fabaceae
Type: Evergreen Local Name: Gul Mohr
Height: 18m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Foliage & shape beauty Height: 12-15m
Flowering Time: Foliage beauty Flower Color: Bright Orange
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Cupressus funebris Botanical Name: Diospyros peregrina
- Botanical Name: Cupressus funebris Family: Ebenaceae
Family: Cuprressaceae Local Name: Gab
Local Name: Cypress Type: Evergreen
Type: An elegant tree with graceful Height: 12-15m
Height: drooping branches Flower Color: Creamy yellow
Flower Color: Foliage & shape beauty Flowering Time: April - May
Flowering Time: Foliage Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Dalbergia lanceolaria Botanical Name: Erythrina suberosa
- Botanical Name: Dalbergia lanceolaria Family: Fabaceae
Family: Fabaceae Local Name: Gul-e-Nishtar
Local Name: Trkoli Type: Deciduous
Type: Deciduous Height: 10-18m
Height: 15-20m Flower Color: Red
Flower Color: Greenish Flowering Time: March - April
Flowering Time: May Propagation: By seed & cutting.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Darris robusta Botanical Name: Eugenia jambolana
- Botanical Name: Darris robusta Family: Myrtaceae
Family: Fabaceae Local Name: Jaman / Jamu
Local Name: Darris Type: Semi deciduous
Type: Deciduous Height: 15-20m
Height: 12-15m Flower Color: Dirty white
Flower Color: Creamy Flowering Time: March - May
Flowering Time: March - April Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Dillenia indica Botanical Name: Dillenia indica
Family: Dilleniaceae Family: Dilleniaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-Must Local Name: Gul-e-Must
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-14m Height: 10-14m
Flower Color: White fragrant Flower Color: White fragrant
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: June - July
Propagation: By cutting Propagation: By cutting
- Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Family: Rosaceae Family: Rosaceae
Local Name: Lokat Local Name: Lokat
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 7-10m Height: 7-10m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: Feburary - March Flowering Time: Feburary - March
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Eucalyptus citriodora Botanical Name: Eucalyptus citriodora
Family: Myrtaceae Family: Myrtaceae
Local Name: Sufeda Local Name: Sufeda
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 25-30m Height: 25-30m
Flower Color: Creamish Flower Color: Creamish
Flowering Time: February - March Flowering Time: February - March
Propagation: By seed & suckers. Propagation: By seed & suckers.
- Botanical Name: Ficus bangalensis Botanical Name: Ficus bangalensis
Family: Moraceae Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Bohr Local Name: Bohr
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 20-30m Height: 20-30m
Flower Color: Red Flower Color: Red
Flowering Time: Figs in April & Oct. – Nov Flowering Time: Figs in April & Oct. – Nov
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina
Family: Moraceae Family: Moraceae
Local Name: Kali Ficus / Kubra Local Name: Kali Ficus / Kubra
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flowering Time: Flowering Time:
Propagation: By cutting & aerial layering Propagation: By cutting & aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Ficus elastica Botanical Name: Benjamina Comosa
- Botanical Name: Ficus elastica Family: Moraceae
Family: Moraceae Local Name: Gulhar
Local Name: Rubber plant Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 15-20m
Height: 30m Flower Color: Stem color changes
Flower Color: Foliage beauty, simple & Flowering Time: April - May
Flowering Time: Variegated leaves Propagation: By seed & cutting.
Propagation: By cutting & aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Ficus virens Botanical Name: Ficus bengalensis var
- Botanical Name: Ficus virens Family: Moraceae
Family: Moraceae Local Name: Krishni
Local Name: Pilkhan Type: Evergreen
Type: Deciduous Height: 10-12m
Height: 10-15m Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flowering Time:
Flowering Time: Propagation: Arial layering & cutting.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata Botanical Name: Ficus Macrophylla
- Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata Family: Moraceae
Family: Moraceae Local Name: Australian Banyan
Local Name: Pandurata Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 10-15m
Height: 15-20m Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flower Color: Foliage beauty Flowering Time:
Flowering Time: Propagation: By seed & cutting.
Propagation: Aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Grevillea robusta Botanical Name: Gleditsia triacanthos
- Botanical Name: Grevillea robusta Family: Fabaceae
Family: Proteaceae Local Name: Dozekh / Honey Locust
Local Name: Silver Oak / Silk Oak / Shah balut Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-18m Height: 18-20m
Flower Color: Golden
Flowering Time: April - May Flower Color: Greenish yellow
Propagation: By seed.
Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Heterophargama adenophyllum Botanical Name: Heterophargama adenophyllum
Family: Bignoniaceae Family: Bignoniaceae
Local Name: Nag Phali Local Name: Nag Phali
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-15m Height: 10-15m
Flower Color: Yellowish brown Flower Color: Yellowish brown
Flowering Time: July - August Flowering Time: July - August
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Jacaranda mimosifolia Botanical Name: Juglans regia
Family: Fabaceae Family: Juglandaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-Neelam Local Name: Akhrot
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 10m Height: 10-15m
Flower Color: Purple flower Flower Color: Creamy
Flowering Time: March-April & Sep-Oct Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & budding
- Botanical Name: Kigelia pinnata Botanical Name: Leucaena glauca
Family: Bignoniaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-fanoos / Sausage tree Local Name: Ipple Ipple / Jungli Imli
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 8-12m
Flower Color: Maroon Flower Color: Creamy yellow
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Maclura aurantiaca Botanical Name: Mallotus philippinensis
Family: Moraceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Maclura Local Name: Kamila
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 5-8m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Orange Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: May - June Flowering Time: September - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Mangifera indica Botanical Name: Magnolia grandiflora
Family: Anacardiaceae Family: Magnoliaceae
Local Name: Aam Local Name: Magnolia
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 25-30m
Flower Color: Creamy white Flower Color: Creamy white
Flowering Time: Feb. - March Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed, Grafting, budding Propagation: Aerial layering.
- Botanical Name: Manilkara hexandra Botanical Name: Melia azedarach
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Meliaceae
Local Name: Khirni Local Name: Bakain
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 10-12m Height: 9-12m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Purple
Flowering Time: July - December Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Melaleuca leucadendron Botanical Name: Michelia champaca
Family: Mytraceae Family: Magnoliaceae
Local Name: Paper Bark Local Name: Champa tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-18m Height: 20m
Flower Color: Cream & White Flower Color: Creamish yellow
Flowering Time: June - August Flowering Time: February
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Millettia ovalifolia Botanical Name: Millingtonia hortensi
Family: Fabaceae Family: Bignoniaceae
Local Name: Villayti Shishum Local Name: Villayti Neem
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-12m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Purple Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: June - November
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Mimusops elengi Botanical Name: Moringa oleifera
Family: Sapotaceae Family: Moringaceae
Local Name: Molsari Local Name: Sohanjana / Horse radish tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 12-18m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Fragrant white Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: July - December Flowering Time: January - February
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed & cutting.
- Botanical Name: Morus alba Botanical Name: Murraya koenigii
Family: Moraceae Family: Rutaceae
Local Name: Shehtut Local Name: Curry leaf
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 5-8m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: March - April Flowering Time: February - April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Nephelium litchi Botanical Name: Oncoba sipnosa
Family: Sapindaceae Family: Flacurtiaceae
Local Name: Litchi / Lychee tree Local Name: Oncoba
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 6-8m Height: 15-17m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: April - May Flowering Time: April - May
Propagation: Aerial leyring Propagation: Aerial layering
- Botanical Name: Oroxylum indicum Botanical Name: Parkinsonia aculeata
Family: Bignoniaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Talwar Phali Local Name: Parkinsonia
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-10m Height: 7-10m
Flower Color: Maroon Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: June - July Flowering Time: March-April & Sep-Oct
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Persea americana Botanical Name: Phyllanthus emblica
Family: Laucerceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Avocado / Alligator Local Name: Amla
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 16-20m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Yellow
Flowering Time: February - March Flowering Time: March - May
Propagation: By seed & grafting. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pinus roxburghii Botanical Name: Pistacia chinensis
Family: Pinaceae Family: Anarcardiaceae
Local Name: Chair / Pine Local Name: Araishi Pista
Type: Evergreen Type: Semi Deciduous
Height: 25-30m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Gymnosperm Flower Color: Foliage beauty / Cream
Flowering Time: Not flowers Flowering Time: May - June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pistacia integerima Botanical Name: Platanus orientalis
Family: Anacardiaceae Family: Platanaceae
Local Name: Kaker / Mastic tree / Kanger Local Name: Chinar / Plaintain
Type: Semi Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 15-20m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Reddish Flower Color: Foliage beauty
Flowering Time: March - May Flowering Time:
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By cutting.
- Botanical Name: Plumeria obtusa Botanical Name: Plumeria rubra
Family: Apocynaceae Family: Apocynaceae
Local Name: Gul-e-Cheen / Cade Local Name: Gul-e-cheen
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 4-6m Height: 4-6m
Flower Color: Whitish Flower Color: Pink
Flowering Time: Around the Year Flowering Time: Yellowish green
Propagation: By cutting. Propagation: By cutting.
- Botanical Name: Polyalthia longifolia Botanical Name: Plumeria acutifolia
Family: Annonaceae Family: Apocynaceae
Local Name: Ulta Ashok Local Name: Gul-e-Cheen
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 20-25m Height: 4-6m
Flower Color: Yellowish green Flower Color: Creamy yellow
Flowering Time: February-April Flowering Time: Around the year
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By cutting.
- Botanical Name: Populas alba / nigra Botanical Name: Prosopis juliflora
Family: Salicaceae Family: Fabaceae
Local Name: Popular Local Name: Chota jand
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 15-21m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Flower Color: Cream white
Flowering Time: Flowering Time: April-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Prunus persica Botanical Name: Prosopis spicigera
Family: Rosaceae Family: Mimosaceae
Local Name: Aaroo / Peach Local Name: Jand
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 7.5-10m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Pink Flower Color: Cream
Flowering Time: February-March Flowering Time: May-June
Propagation: By seed & cutting. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pterospermum acerifolium Botanical Name: Putranjiva roxburghii
Family: Sterculiaceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Kanak champa Local Name: Putajan
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 15-20m Height: 12-16m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Greenish yellowish green
Flowering Time: March-April Flowering Time: March-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Pyrus communis Botanical Name: Ravenala madagascariensis
Family: Rosaceae Family: Musaceae
Local Name: Nashpati / Pear Local Name: Banana palm / Travellers palm
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 7.5-12m Height: 8-10m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Bract beauty
Flowering Time: February-April Flowering Time: Bracts open in November
Propagation: By grafting & budding. Propagation: By suckers.
- Botanical Name: Salix babylonica Botanical Name: Salix tetrasperma
Family: Salicaceae Family: Salicaceae
Local Name: Majnun / Baid-e-majnun Local Name: Laila
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 6-8m Height: 8-10m
Flower Color: Pale White Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: February-March Flowering Time: March-April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Salmalia malabarica Botanical Name: Sapindus mukorossi
Family: Bombacaceae Family: Sapindaceae
Local Name: Simbal / Simal Local Name: Reetha / Soap nut tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Deciduous
Height: 40m Height: 10-12m
Flower Color: Red Flower Color: White
Flowering Time: February-March Flowering Time: April-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sapindus trifoliatus Botanical Name: Sapium sebiferum
Family: Sapindaceae Family: Euphorbiaceae
Local Name: Reetha / Soap nut tree Local Name: Makhan Charbi
Type: Decisuous Type: Deciduous
Height: 5-7m Height: 8-10m
Flower Color: White Flower Color: Creamish
Flowering Time: May-June Flowering Time: April-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sarace indica / asoca Botanical Name: Schleichera oleosa
Family: Leguminosae Family: Sapindaceae
Local Name: Ashoka Local Name: Kussum / Samoma / Lac tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Deciduous
Height: 8-10m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Orange red Flower Color: Yellowish green
Flowering Time: April-May Flowering Time: March-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sophora Secundiflora Botanical Name: Sterculia rupestris
Family: Fabaceae Family: Sterculiaceae
Local Name: Shamma Local Name: Bottle neck tree
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 5-8m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Violet blue Flower Color: Foliage beauty white
Flowering Time: March-May Flowering Time: March-April
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Sterculia colorata Botanical Name: Swietenia mahogoni
Family: Sterculiaceae Family: Meliaceae
Local Name: Jungle Badam Local Name: Mahogoni tree
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 12-15m Height: 22m
Flower Color: Red, Yellow or Dull purple Flower Color: Greenish white
Flowering Time: March-May Flowering Time: April-July
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Tarmindus indica Botanical Name: Taxodium mucronatium
Family: Fabaceae Family: Taxodiaceae
Local Name: Imli / Tamarind Local Name: Taxodium
Type: Evergreen Type: Evergreen
Height: 20-25m Height: 12-15m
Flower Color: Yellow with red streaks Flower Color: Gymnosperm
Flowering Time: February-April Flowering Time: May-June
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Tectona grandis Botanical Name: Terminalia arjuna
Family: Verbenaceae Family: Combretaceae
Local Name: Sagwan / Teak Local Name: Arjun
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 10-40m Height: 20-30m
Flower Color: Creamish white Flower Color: Pale yellowish white
Flowering Time: June-September Flowering Time: March-May
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Terminalia bellirica Botanical Name: Terminalia catappa
Family: Combretaceae Family: Combretaceae
Local Name: Urhar / Bhera / Bidda nut Local Name: Jungli Badam
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 30-40m Height: 18-21m
Flower Color: Greenish yellow Flower Color: No petals
Flowering Time: April-June Flowering Time: Crimson leaves / April-june
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Trewia nudiflora Botanical Name: Ziziphus mauritiana
Family: Euphorbiaceae Family: Rhamnaceae
Local Name: Tumri / Gamhar Local Name: Ber / Gol beri
Type: Deciduous Type: Almost Evergreen
Height: 15-20m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Creamy white Flower Color: Greenish yellow
Flowering Time: March Flowering Time: April-July
Propagation: By seed. Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Ziziphus jujube Botanical Name: Casuarina equisetifolia
Family: Rhamnaceae Family: Pinaceae
Local Name: Ber / Jujube / Simli Local Name: Desert saroo / Farwan
Type: Deciduous Type: Evergreen
Height: 8-10m Height: 15-20m
Flower Color: Greenish Flower Color:
Flowering Time: June-July Flowering Time: Foliage beauty
Propagation: By seed air layering and cutting. Propagation: By seed.
late arrivals here:
- Botanical Name: Averrhoa carambola Botanical Name: Cordia gharaf
- Botanical Name: Averrhoa carambola Family: Boraginaceae
Family: Averrhoaceae Local Name: Gondi
Local Name: Kamrukh / Kamranga Type: Deciduous
Type: Evergreen Height: 3-6m
Height: 7-10m Flower Color: Yellow
Flower Color: Pink Flowering Time: March-April
Flowering Time: Jan.-Feb. & Aug.-Sep. Propagation: By seed.
Propagation: By seed.
- Botanical Name: Chorisia insigni Botanical Name: Spondias pinnata
Local Name: Buddha Family: Anarcardiaceae
Type: Deciduous Local Name: Ambarra / Ambare / Bahambi
Height: 12-15m Type: Deciduous
Flower Color: Red Height: 8-10m
Flowering Time: October-November Flower Color: Greenish white
Propagation: By seed. Flowering Time: March-May


Bom said...

This is very informative. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing this with us. Very informative blog.
Best Wishes

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