It is 15th again and here is the post for my garden bloggers bloom day. GBBD is a monthly event hosted by Carol at her website
May Dreams Gardens where gardeners from all over the world post the pictures of flowers blooming in their garden on 15th of every month. Do visit her website for more interesting flowers.
This daylily was gifted to me by a gardener and he himself was not sure of the cultivar. Very pretty blooms. Much different than the common orange day lily.
As i am covering trees of subtropics and lahore so here are some flowering trees.And first one is fried egg tree
Oncoba spinosa. It starts flowering in May. Attracts lots of bees. For encyclopaedia of flowering trees, do check my post on
encyclopaedia of flowering trees of subtropics
This one is most elegant trees of lahore for sure. It is called gul-e-neelam or neelam here. Botanical name is
jacaranda mimosifolia. There is another variant of jacaranda, more blue jacaranda but not pictured yet.
This is
brachychiton diversifolius there is no local name. There are many trees in india and pakistan of genus brachychiton. The one native of australia
brachychiton australis is found in India as well.
There are no leaves or almost none when in bloom and tree is covered with flowers.
This one is another gem for warm climates. Purple Wreath
Petrea Volubilis also known as sandpaper vine. You will find flowers of many colors on the vine at the same time. They are blue, then white, and yellowish white as well. Some what shrubby in nature.
Talking of shrubs, this one is a stunning shrub for warm climates. Hailing from South Africa, it is
Plumbago capensis There is another variant with white colors but this one is more stunning. Flowers profusely whole summer if protected from afternoon sun.
If there is one vine i wanted the flowers so badly, that was
Stephanotis floribunda also known as Madagascar Jasmine, this one need lots of humidity and warm climate and here is the point, it dislikes extremely hot areas. True, it flowers late when mature but it is not a free flowering easy veasy vine. These flowers were shot in Lawrence gardens lahore and note that this is a very old and mature specimen. The fragrance is worth dying for sure.
This post is also included in
Today's Flowers. So don't forget to visit for some exciting flowers blooming all around the world.
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Lisa's Chaos
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Dear little red house