Monday, October 26, 2009

ipomoea purpurea, topical water lily in my garden

Here goes some pics for macro monday.These are all taken at my terrace. For other macro monday pics see Macro Monday 10/29: Dreamy Blues by Jackie and Macro Monday by Meadowsweet

Common lime butterfly on my terrace.
common lime butterfly on terrace
common lime butterfly
tropical water lily
morning glory ipomoea tricolor

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall plantings

Weather has cooled enough for fall plantings. This is my first fall sowing as last year i was almost a newbie with seeds and had no confidence that i will be able to grow a plant from a seed. This year things are quite different though. Here are some pics from what i call the grand fall planting, it does not include bulbs though as we will have to wait till November 1st for their planting

seedling lahore

seedling hot climate

seedling warm climate

seedling in pot

seedling paneri

Swan river daisy, linum and california poppy seedlings
swan river daisy seedling

Heliotropium seeds which i got from chilterns UK
seedling of heliotrope

Nigella sativa seedlings. I bought these seeds from a grocery shop.
seedling of nigella kalwanji

cinnamon powder which i use as fungicide as i am too afraid of damping off.
cinnamon dar cheeni

Coco peat being refined in a sieve for covering the seeds
coconut peat coco peat

Refined coco peat
coconut husk

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Murraya Magic

Murraya exotica is my favorite shrub. Its powerful fragrance fills the air and makes you enchanted with it. Growing in a large clay pot, its strongly perfumed flowers attract lots of bees and butterflies. Strangely, with the change of season, butterflies have also changed. I think previous ones just migrated to some more warm region. And the ones coming here are more cold tolerant. Here are some of the pics i captured of this pretty shrub and do i need to tell you that the fragrance made me not to move away for a long, pretty long time actually.

marva murraya paniculata orange jasmine

butterfly moth on murraya exotica marwa
common lime butterfly on murraya marva lahore
common lime butterfly nectar flower murraya paniculata

butterfly on murraya paniculata exotica marva
flower of murraya attracting a butterfly
murraya exotica attracting a butterfly
butterfly like marva flower
butterfly marva flower in pot

murraya paniculata attracts butterflies
bee on murraya flower
macro of bee nectar murraya flower
murraya flower attracts bees

Monday, October 12, 2009

Antigonon,senecio confusus and butterflies in my garden

Jackie at Southern Post Journal inspired me to write this very first post on macro Monday. So here are some pics from my macro Monday collection

A butterfly on senecio confusus
senecio confusus mexican flame vine drunk man vine

butterfly on senecio flower

Clitoria - butterfly pea vine
Clitorea Ternatea neelofar butterfly pea

She is meditating lonely????
common lime butterfly lahore

Butterfly on antigonon leptopus bloom
skipper moth on antigonon leptopus

coral vine antigonon leptopus

Seedlings of annual flower mixture i got from chiltern seeds UK. Fall plantings are in full swing and i am have sown more than 200 seeds till now. Will reach 500 this week.
seedling picture

convolvulus tricolor royal ensign seedling, they along with datura metel ballerina are on top priority this fall.
convolvulus tricolor dwarf morning glory

For other beautiful Macro Monday posts, visit following:
Monday Macro 4: Apples
Macro - calamansi - Fruits

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Canna,chandni, plumeria, lanatan and crinum in flower

It is still summer here and late summer blossoms are burst into bloom. October is harbinger of fall planting but still heat is not allowing to sow winter seeds. We are waiting for just one rain to subside the heat wave, Still no clouds. Lets us have a look at some flowers nature presents to us.

Crinum lily is a perennial here and a typical late summer bloomer. It is propagated by bulbs and they are buried till neck in the soil. Foliage is evergreen. It is slightly fragrant. It is known by its common name Milk and Wine lily.
pink crinum lily blooming in lahore

White crinum is not common as compared to the pink one. I shot it at a roadside near my home.
white crinum lily milk and wine lily

Tabernaemontana with local name "Chandni" is also a beautiful perennial grown not only as house plant but growing wild in many areas. Unfortunately it is not fragrant. But i have heard there are some fragrant ones, not yet i have come across.
chandni cape jasmine Tabernaemontana divaricata

What a beautiful planter with vinca flowers. This is also planted outside a home not far away where i live.
planter flower

Pink plumeria, locally called "Champa". Another local name is "Gul-e-Cheen". It is a fragrant bush/tree. Easily grown in pots. It does not tolerate frosts. I am growing it in a 12 inches clay pot and it does not hesitate blooming in 90F heat. A typical tropical plant. In june, i forgot to protect it from midday sun and got some of its leaves burnt. It comes in another color, white with yellow center. A must for a fragrant garden. Needs lots of water and fertilizer.
plumeria gul-e-cheen

Wild sunflower. Lahore is full of these self sowing sunflowers. They need full sun to bloom. It is not cultivated as house plant. Drought tolerant as well. Another species "teddy bear" is grown as summer annual, which is dwarf one and grown as house plant.
wild sunflower lahore

Lantana camara is another tough perennial which blooms almost whole year except in winter months. Needs lots of root space, grows wild as well as house plant. Another species Lantana montevidensis (trailing lantana)
which is not very common is very attractive to butterflies and ideal for hanging baskets, bears blue flowers.
lantana camara

Hollyhock. Locally called "Gul-e-Khaira". Now i am surprised seeing this one blooming in full sun in summer. I always though it to be a spring annual. Well it is perennial in our climate, if protected from midday sun in summer and good drainage is provided in monsoon rains. We have yet to see the double variety here but this year we are hopeful the double variety will be available commercially. I have been gifted some seeds of double Apple Blossom from a fellow gardener in UK. Will try as soon as weather cools down.
hollyhock single gul-e-khera Alcea rosea

This is interesting. I was hoping i got a natural biological control for these white insects but i was wrong. Being a strict organic gardener, i washed them away with water.
ant insect

Canna, indian shot. This is one of another heat tolerant perennials in lahore. Also grows wild, while some dwarf species, not commons though, are grown in as house plants. I was gifted some mixed seeds of canna dominic republic and they have sprouted. Yet to see the blooms.
canna indian shot in lahore

canna indica lily indian shot

Now i do not grow much veggies but i could not resist shooting this squash in the courtyard of my in laws. I have also given them seeds of lettuce iceberg this year. hope will grow good as well.

This is some wild flower growing in our country side. Lovely blooms. Blooms whole summer.
wild flower in lahore ipomoea

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